Thursday, October 12, 2006


I am a mom with“neofright” knowledge of neurotoxicology. In addition to enjoying the hell out my little boy, my journey as a new mom has been largely defined by trying to respond to information about the environmental toxicants that can affect my kid, instead of reacting to it in paralyzing fear. Sometimes I pull it off. Other times I get swept up in the chemical content of household dust and I am amazed that most children reach adulthood knowing how to add and subtract.

This blog is not about fear-mongering, or advising that we all don charcoal-lined, respirated suits and eschew anything manmade. I sit in front of a flame-retardant dipped computer, have particle board cabinets, buy conventional cotton onesies, and sleep on a visco elastic foam mattress (for now). There is only so much control I have over exposures, whether it is due our tight budget or the fact that no alternative products are on the market (yet). I hope that this sharing can help someone make decisions about preventable toxin exposures to children.


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